Sixth blog.
So I may be in a bit of a pickle. Remember the Cult? Well, they’re doing an official “re-run” in Paper School, and some of my friends are in it for the funsies. Zip included. I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. Zip has been going on about it for weeks, talking about how it's going to be the biggest event of the year and how it's going to be so much fun. But something about it just doesn't sit right with me.
For one, there’s no actual leader. The students who began inviting others to join claimed that it was from an outside source, and whenever they did a “gathering,” they would be reading from an email. I asked if I could see it, and they showed me their tablet. So no, Edward isn’t the leader. Glad he’s one of the leading students, though.
The email address was pretty long and practically unreadable, and I only caught a glimpse of it.
Secondly, the Cult has been banned before, and the original leaders — again, I don’t know their names because they failed a test and I never ask them — faced severe punishment for trying to pull it off.
The only difference here is that everything occurred on a Discord call, not the actual school. However, we would still need to work around or tamper with the equipment. Then, there’s the “rituals.” Again, we weren’t sacrificing anyone. Unlike the last time, though, we would make monkey noises instead of praying to the leader.
No, I’m serious. At around midnight, we would all get on a call, and make monkey noises.
We would continue doing this for a few weeks until Adam (yes, him) got caught for being too loud. Seeing this, Edward decided to propose a new set of rules: to make monkey noises FAR away from our houses. Or, of course, in a different space where it was silent. Sounded easy enough.
I followed his directions until Wednesday when the gossipers were making progress in printing out their information sheets. I decided to buy one out of curiosity, and my jaw dropped.
Apparently, the gossipers were experienced at stalking. Not sure why I wasn’t surprised.
Point is, the news spread like wildfire (again), and many people were starting to sense something was wrong. The student caught doing this (Adam, ironically) was interviewed by all people alike, from inside and outside. Although it made him popular, it gave away a lot of our secrets, especially to the teachers, who were already growing suspicious of us.
Zip, Edward and I decided to drop out before it was too late. It turned out to be a good choice. After a few days, the teachers caught one of the members housing an entire stash of Oreos. Now, this would probably pass as the teachers love Oreos, but the stash had a sign in front titled: “BRIBERY MATERIAL.”
So while Miss Circle would keep it to herself, the Cult was exposed and left to rot. Thankfully, nobody was executed (probably because of the Oreos).